While I'm out of "Lurk mode" I may as well respond to this thread, too.

I think that whether leaking is a problem depends partly on the mother and
baby. If it is a problem to them, it's a problem. If a mother just needs to
know that it's OK to still leak after four months (or more) than it may be
"just a laundry problem."

I leaked strongly for several months and was still needing and wearing bra
pads up until I got pregnant when my daughter was 2 1/2 years old. I also had
an oversupply "problem" and strong letdown that would send milk dripping onto
my shoes or jets shooting through two layers of clothes.  For me it was a
little embarrassing, but mostly a laundry and wardrobe problem:  I had to
stop wearing non-colorfast clothes.  My daughter loved nursing and nursed a
lot, and developed her own methods of coping with strong letdown (her
favorites were pulling off and watching the "fountain" or just letting the
milk run out the other side of her mouth until it slowed down).  She gained
weight very well and always had normal breast milk stools, although they were
very frequent (another laundry problem).  I loved my oversupply and leaking
because they let me know I definitely had enough milk!

I may do some supply management with this next baby.  We'll see if I feel I
need it.  The nice thing about my leaking was I only got an occasional small
plugged duct that was easily eliminated by weird positioning.

As I said before, I think the important thing is to know how the mother feels
about her leaking.  If it may lead to early or sudden weaning, it may need

Back to lurking!

Yvonne Gauntt<[log in to unmask]>