I will be leaving to attend a wedding in Kansas, and then returning to
Southern California for La Leche League's Western Division Conference. If any
lactnetters are there, say hi to me!  In the meantime, I need to go "no mail"
so that I can get ready and don't come home to a flooded mail box.

I'm still receiving inquiries on Ezzo stuff, and will gladly continue to fill
them. Just as a reminder-- I have the transcript of the ABC World News
Tonight story; I have the WORLD magazine article; <---Ezzo response to WORLD;
<---Author's response to Ezzo; Position paper by "Barbara" (excellent!).  I
send these by email and by attached file. For additional insightful and
helpful material, go to http://www.fix.net./~rprewett for additional articles
that you can download yourself. You will need Adobe Acrobat, available
through that site, or from AOL's software library, etc. in order to read and
print them out.

A lot has been written, and efforts are being made to make all these
resources available to those in need so that we don't have to keep
reinventing the wheel!

 ALSO-- Focus on the Family strengthened their statement against Growing
Families curriculums after the WORLD article was published; you can obtain a
copy of their statement directly from them.  Partial quote: "because of XXX,
we do not recommend this to our constituents........."

AND.......  the county of Orange in California received so many inquiries
about potential child abuse as it related to the GFI curriculums that they
actually put together a task force to do an official analysis. It included
LC's, people with psych backgrounds, a pastor, etc. They reviewed each piece
of curriculum, and then rated each piece against other known religious
parenting curriculums. Very helpful!  This is also available through the
county or on the above cited website. (I just love the web when it comes to
disseminating information easily. No more postage stamps!)

-Lisa Marasco, LLLL, IBCLC