Regarding K. Dettwyler's book, Breastfeeding:Biocultural Perspectives.

Someone posted on how to obtain it and said it costs about $65.
This must be the price for Hard Cover???

I ordered a Soft Cover copy directly from the Publisher and it was MUCH
less expensive, I think around $34??? can't remember exactly, less than $35
though.I got a promotional brochure for the book(with a postcard to send
in to order it) directly from the publisher in the mail- I assume that
all members of ILCA were sent one.

One can also order the soft cover  from La Leche League International,
it is only $31.95, and for those of us who are Leaders, we can get the
even lower Leader price of $27.16!!  The book is item no.334.You can
contact LLLI at P.O. Box 4079, Schaumburg, IL 60168-4079, USA;
FAX: 847-519-0035, ph. no. 847-519-9585.
This is the price for U.S., it may be more if you are in another country??
Shipping and Handling is $5.50 (again, that is for U.S.).

I thought some of you would like to know that it is possible to purchase
this great book for a lot less than $65!

(I am sure there are many other sources too.)

Ellen Vegh, LLLL, Pittsburgh, PA, having some nice cool summer weather!!