I agree that collecting the case history and story of our patients is
important, not only for us professionally, but as a source of information
and support for others who may face the same situations. However, I would
like to suggest a word of caution: please avoid holding disabled,
handicapped or challenged folks up as "inspiration." It certainly may be
inspirational for us, but to the individuals involved it is often annoying
-- or insulting. My husband is blind, and he grits his teeth everytime
someone tells him how "inspirational" it is that he can care for his child,
or go to work each day, etc. This is a complaint I hear so often from
handicapped people that I couldn't help share it here.

BTW: those who have handicapped do not necessarily compensate in other
areas. My hubby has been told, ad nauseum, "Well, you can't see but your
hearing/touch must be so much better". It ain't so (though there are
individuals who are "talented" in certain areas which can be construed as
"compensation"). A deficit is a deficit. There is not a romantic side to it.

I have known several handicapped moms whose highest compliment about support
they received (from hospital nurses, from LCs, etc) was "I was treated like
any other patient." Don't be afraid to ask "Is there anything you want me to
explain, or show you?" Keep in mind that the person you are working with
is adept at coping with the disability, and may be able to show YOU
something. Usually they don't need "help" but "information." (There's a
subtle but important difference).

BTW: Thanks to everyone sharing conference info. If only Lactnet could have
had a cyber-cafe type hook up so we could've "been there" in real time!
(Next year?)

Margery Wilson, IBCLC

Margery Wilson, IBCLC