At 10:32 AM 7/13/96 CDT, Rose Marie Straeter wrote:
>Help - Need ASAP within 30 minutes if possible
>Can a woman donate blood while nursing a two month old - family member needs
>rare type.

Most blood banks telll a nursing woman to donate when the baby is six months
old for the safety of the mother.  I donated when my daughter was 6 mos and
had to call a friend to come over to care for Ursula as I was incapacitated
for the rest of the day and unwell for the next.  I clearly do not respond
well to giving blood so I won't do it until I no longer have a toddler or
baby to care for.  OTOH they need to assess the seriousness of the situation
and if the mother is the only one available she should donate.  She needs to
have someone available to care for the baby and allow her to nurse and
rehydrate only.

Kate, mom to Ursula, 19 months old, in Boulder, Colorado.

How can anyone read about Ted Kaczynski, Jr.'s infant hospitalization
experience with its aftermath & not question meeting a baby's physical &
emotional needs?  Think about him if you think about letting a baby 'cry it
out'.  More might be cried out of the child than you wish.   Buy our House!