Today's mail brought Birth Magazine. There is a thoughtful
article by James A. Thorp, MD and Ginger Breedlove, CNM,
MSN, titled "Epidural Analgesia in Labor: An Evaluation of
Risks and Benefits." It is germane to the recent and on-going
Lactnet discussions. After reviewing the literature (articles
and bibliographies from articles on epidurals) the authors
conclude that caregivers and consumers should be aware of
the associated risks (of epidurals) and that women should be
counseled about the risks and other options for pain relief
*before* the "duress of labor."

The authors do a great job of articulating the views held by
"both sides."  Food for thought when talking to "the other
side" (whichever side you are on!)

Not at "the" conference, but at work on this lovely summer
day in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
---Margery Wilson, IBCLC
Massachusetts Institute of Technology