In a message dated 96-07-11 00:11:58 EDT, you write:

>This note is from the desk of Susan M. Barber
>Anyone have any ideas for a Mom with PKU, breastfeeding since late Dec, 95
>using Maxamum XP to control phenylalanine levels, who is not able to afford
>it in the quantity she must use? The cost is roughly $47 per can.  This is
>New York and she is not eligible for Medicaid.  It seems she will have to
>stop bf because she cannot afford to buy what she needs. WIC is able to
>give her 9 cans but she needs 16. Anyone know of any bf benefactors out

I'm sorry if this sounds silly, but why does she have to stop BF??  Will the
symptoms of her PKU decrease if not BF, meaning that she won't have to use as
much of the Maxamum XP?  If not, then it seems to me that she would be better
off BF so that she doesn't have to pay for her XP and baby's formula.  I
don't know a thing about PKU, really, so am interested in what all this