Dear support group-thanks so for your answers. What relief - The baby gained
250 grams this week!!!! but is still crying and vomiting. Remember this is
after almost 4 days of first side first and one side for a number of feeds +
elimination diet (milk) I must say I was on edge today. The parents say they
are willing to go on this way as long as she is gaining. I hope we will be
able to help them to a more effective and rewarding expirience. The baby
self adjusted her lips, and fed several times while they were here. Some
feeds were comfortable - and some were squirmy and she was taken off to be
burped. I did not see any signs of an overactive let down - but she fed very these weren't the feeds I would see it in. The mother was
too wiped out and frightened (they were just released from hospital) to to
think of what might be the problem. But I will go into this the next time I
see her. Any more thoughts from you great people. Interesting that
increasing hindmilk increased weight gain (seems to be the reason) but did
not address her symptoms. Thanking you all - Toby
Name: Toby Gish R.N.LLLL.IBCLC
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"What is essential is invisible to the eye..."
    Antoine De Saint-Exupery