Hi All,
I have a bit of a delema.  I work in a small hospital in so N.H. and have
been trying to get our M.D.s to "allow " us to feed colostrum instead of
formula for the treatment of low blood sugar.  One of my colleagues told me
that the calorie count was 50-70 calories per ounce and I have been using
that "fact" without checking it myself.  One of our docs wants to see it in
writing so I looked in Lawrence 1989 edition and it said 58 calories per 100
cc!  Is this correct?

Our policy now states that if the One Touch sugar is 20-40, feed the baby 15
cc formula.  This is done without informing the mother first.  It does not
matter if she is breastfeeding!   ( I would have gone ballistic if this had
ever happened to one of my own, but then again, they never saw the inside of
a nursery!)  I am aware of the risks of hypoglycemia  and we have a lot of
babies who do not latch on, so I would like to see the policy changed.  Also
Lactation  Services has been "asked" not to intervene with the "natural
process" of latch-on until the baby is over 24 hours old.  Never mind that
90% of their mothers have had some sort of medical intervention  that is
probably the cause of the problem to begin with. Can everyone see the dilemna
I'm in?  I NEED info and references-  Thank-you all.

Jane in Sunny N.H.