In a message dated Wed, 3 Jul 1996 12:04:18 -0400, Jay writes:
>>Now let me ask you out there who teach Childbirth classes:  If you were
"Allowed" to give this kind of information to your classes, how many parents
do you think would opt for NO meds???<<

In the spirit of INDEPENDENCE DAY, I'd like to share that the reason I have
always been an INDEPENDENT childbirth educator (in private practice) is
because I would be unable to accept anyone telling me what I was "allowed" to
share with my classes.  I tell it like it is, as factually as I know how.  I
owe that honesty to my students.  You see, I work FOR them.  Not for a doctor
or hospital.  If I didn't present an honest, objective, and consumer-oriented
series,  I couldn't sleep well at night. The sad truth is, some moms DO still
opt for meds/anesthesia for a variety of reasons, without considering the
risks vs. benefits.  Some people only *hear* what they want to hear, and
*don't hear* what they don't want to hear when a childbirth educator presents
risks vs. benefits.  My theory is that denial of the facts (as in Righard's
study) and denial of anecdotal observations (of LDR nurses & LC's) of the
apparent impact of medications on breastfeeding is greatest in expectant moms
when their fear is greatest.  Some expectant moms come to us so burdened with
fear accumulated from years of hearing horror stories, from low self-esteem,
feeling so demeaned of their personal power that even the most caring,
nurturing, supportive, empowering childbirth educator cannot undo in a few
short weeks/months what has been done to some women over their
lifetime......<sigh> get the picture.  What we can do to change
things is to continue to give the facts, give the facts, GIVE THE FACTS!

Joyce Blangiardo RN, FACCE, IBCLC
grateful for all the facts, studies, and references shared here on Lactnet,
which help us each to empower women to give Informed Consent on
medication/anesthesia choices in L & D, or while BFing.