I am working with a mom and 3 wk. baby. Mom has fibrocystic breasts -- in the
past she had a cyst lanced on the left breast.  Baby had a rough start; wouldn't
nurse at all. With LLL help, baby began nursing some. Then mom saw
hospital-based LC. Position change enabled baby to empty left breast -- at
hospital baby nursed better on rt. breast, too. Since coming home, baby won't
swallow much on rt. side. Mom has mastitis and began antibiotics today. She
called me for 1st time this A.M. I did home visit today. Left breast
suck/swallow ratio is 1:1.  On rt. breast, S/S ratio is more like 1:4. We worked
on nipple position in baby's mouth -- saw some improvement -- brest softened.
But lower outside lobe remained somewhat firm -- that was area of mastitis. Doc
said it wasn't plug, but bacteria from nipple????? I don't think I agree!

Upon initial exam, breast was very lumpy and remained so following nursing. Does
anybody have info on how fibrocystic disease affects lactating breasts. Are
plugged ducts more common? Any special suggestions on management?

Glenni Lorick in Huntsville, AL where my 5 year old son runs around wearing his
pink elephant "Pinky" in a sling and nursing her on demand (Sometimes he feeds
her bottles of his "wife's" EBM!!!)
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