In a message dated 96-06-21 13:59:03 EDT, you write:

you stated:

> In the last
>month I have had three (I cover a rather small population) moms who have
>had a very bad reaction (burning & worsening of the redness) to Nystatin
>cream on the nipples.  The last one actually didn't use the cream on her
>nipples (doc rx'd something else for that) but had the burning pain only
>following a nursing of the baby, who *WAS* being treated w/Nystatin
>orally.  Once she timed the baby's dose to allow more absorption time
>the problem got better.

I could very well be that since there are lots of companies who make nystatin
cream and solution -- they all use different bases, binders, colors, and
preservatives in their products (any and or all which could cause a reaction
in susceptable mom) or the problem was not thrush, or  the thrush is
resistant to nystatin so mom is not clearing up. same problem could happen,
with the something else (another cream i assume) for the nipples. or mom
could be allergic to nystatin.  the cream base may have some soaplike
components in it. and soap in an open wound and irritated skin usually

By the way they do make nystatin powder with outany of the extra junk in it.
 it usually has to be special ordered and since it does not have
preservatives, it must be refrigerated.  a paste can easily be made (with an
appropriate medium) at the time of use or the powder dusted on as ordered
(always making sure not to contaminate the rest of the container) .

these are just some thoughts on your question


Anne Norton-Krawciw, RPh, IBCLC
the lc - pharmacist (quickly becoming the thrush queen in the mitten -- and
beyond -- thanks kay)

President, Breastfeeding Specialists Inc, Sterling Heights Michigan USA