Dear Cindy,

I've been hopping around cyberspace looking for various childbirth and
breastfeeding sites.  Here's what I have found.  I'm always interested in
what any other LACTNETTERS have found to be interesting.  (Lactation and Related
Resources) (Breastfeeding Advocacy
Page) (Jon Ahrendson's page) (La Leche League International)

Another is Parent-L but I've mistakenly deleted the web address.

Some of these birth pages have oinks to breastfeeding pages that I haven't
saved the addresses for. (On-line Birth Center)  (Pregnancy and Reproductive Health)

Also you can use a "search engine"  (Names are strange like web crawler and
yahoo) and type in the word breastfeeding and it will give you lots of places
to look at.

Have fun--a great thing to do on a rainy afternoon like today.

Pat  Predmore