
Glad you found the oversupply suggestions helpful.  Let me know how it turns
out.  Working with a mom right now for whom I have suggested she used left
breast for all breastfeeds in a 12 hour time period and to use cabbage leaves
on right for 12 hours, changing every 2-3 hours.  After 12 hours, use right
breast for one feed then resume using left for next 12 hours and cabbage on
right.  The rationale for this pattern is because her right breast makes much
more milk than left even though left makes a very ample supply but also
because right ejects milk so forcefully that baby chokes even if right is
pumped for 15 minutes with medical-grade pump before initiating feed on that

As you can see, care plans for oversupply are like any other breastfeeding
situation--they all require Individual Breastfeeding Plans (IBPs).  IBP is a
term I have lifted from the education field since my middle son is learning
disabled and in special education and law requires that an Individual
Education Plan be developed each year for him.  Using this term works really
well for mothers, especially teachers.  Feel free to use it.

I leave 6/22/96 for a 2 weeks vacation and am going no mail on LACTNET so
please send all replies to my e-mail address:  [log in to unmask]

TTFN! Anna :))