(from a colleague's conference notes)
The US Center for Disease Control will issue new guidelines for the
management of Group B strep.  The reccomendation is for vaginal and rectal
culture at 34 -36 weeks gestation, with treatment of carriers during labor.
 Treatment is with Penicillin or other antibiotics if allergic to penicillin.
 If the mother does not receive antibiotics there are quidelines for what
should be done to observe the baby and when treatment is indicated.
The greatest danger is to the infant from pneumonia and/or sepsis.  This may
develop shortly after birth or several days to weeks later.  It can rapidly
overwhelm an infant and lead to septic shock.  About 30 percent of women in
some groups are carriers.
There should be no problem with an infant nursing, except for the protocols
that some places will be likely to implement regarding how the baby must be
observed.  Since in the US the mother may be forced by insurance to leave at
24 hours and the guidelines reccommend observation of the baby for 48 hours
this will mean mother and infant will be separated.  There is also testing
that is reccommended- cultures, obsevation, up to a spinal tap if maternal
temp in labor is observed.  There are also guidelines for when the infant
should be given antibiotics.
When I have the guidelines I will post them.
Remember **this is preliminary information from someone's notes** wait for
the final version from the CDC before using this information in your
practice.  Or call the CDC in Atlanta for your own copy of the information.