In a message dated 96-06-07 15:15:07 EDT, you write:
A mother said:
> I recieved a bag with formula in it and coupons for more.
>I just don't believe that they would give me something that is harmful to my
>baby.  My pediatrician's office also has brochures about formula and I
>believe he would discourage my using it if it weren't good for my baby's
This is not to flame pediatricians, but IMHO, the group we need to target THE
MOST for bf info and promotion is the pediatricians.  In my experience, the
ped is the one who disrupts bf most often.  And the ones I have worked with
seem to truly believe that bf and abm are equal.  If you ask them, are you
aware of the messages you are sending?  They may surely reply "It IS fine for
the baby's health".
I was so discouraged when working as hosp LC and private practice by all the
advice to wean because of meds, to give bottles, to stop bf because of
jaundice, etc, etc.  I was so heartened to find supportive peds on lactnet
and hear about same from others on lactnet.
My point - the bf education needs to be strong in ped associations, and with
medical students.  And not just the benefits of bf, but not to wean for every
little thing.  Teach how to manage bf in all these circumstances. Many more
moms would bf if the peds strongly advocated it.
Laurie Wheeler, Rnc, Mn, Ibclc
Violet, La