How terrible!!!!

What did you say?

I would still be trying to pick my jaw up off of the floor!

I wish this could be published in a med journal so that all docs could see what
a horrible influence these wonderful gift packs, coupons and such really are.
Or don't they care?!  I get caught up in stuff like this and usually get into
trouble, but.....

I would write a carefully worded but painfully direct letter to this doc and let
him/her know what kind of unspoken message they were sending to their clients
and ask him/her if they were aware they have been sending this message.  Same
goes for the hospital, although I have sent such letters to CEO, board members
and all OB and Ped staff and it was a huge blow out but it got results on the
side of breastfeeding but killed my chances of working with any of them (which
is worth it to me because now they are getting an ed on breastfeeding which they
SERIOUSLY needed), be cautious when doing anything like this.  I would also
include every ref I could find about how docs/hospitals should be recommending.
breastfeeding as the best feeding choice for ALL babies and then, I would
present this wonderful doc/hospital with a coupon (if you charge for bfing
classes) or a VIP invitation (you have to pump them up in order to get any
response most of the time) to my breastfeeding classes.  Obviously, something is
needed here!  Maybe a good kick in the..........!

Gotta go before I get into trouble with my fingers again!  This stuff is what
really burns me up!!!

Extremely and seriously  heated over this one,
Melissa Brancho
Just call me big mouth!