Does anyone know Dr. Hales E-mail adress?  I thought I saw earlier that he
had gone no mail for a while to write his new book.  I have a mom who has
been told to wean for 7 days because she had some type of back surgery and
they used Depomedrol and Aristocort. I can't find any info on theese drugs in
Dr. Hales Book.  Versed and Fentynyl were used for anesthesia and I have
assured her that all literature supports that she can continue to bf after
anesthesia , but I cant find any informaiton on these steroids.  her baby is
7 months old and will not take a bottle at all.  At my last conversation with
her she would take some ABM from a cup but is very fussy.  Mom didn't plan on
weaning after this surgery because her OB told her she could probably nurse,
but her Ped told her he did some research and she must pump and dump for 7
days.   Help if you can!!!!
I have a feeling this ped will need written documentation to change his mind.

Jessica Donahue R.N. IBCLC