Just a quick post on the subject of baby bottle tooth decay and
breastfeeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics has a patient handout on
this topic which they are encouraging pediatricians to give to their
patients. In the section which discusses how baby bottle tooth decay
(BBTD)develops, it explains that this condition is caused by putting baby to
bed with a bottle of anything other than water. The next sentence states:
"Allowing your baby to suck on a bottle or breastfeed for longer than a
mealtime, either when awake or asleep, can also cause BBTD." This is in
direct contradiction to everything I have ever seen on this topic.
Pediatricians are being encouraged by the AAP to purchase this handout by the
hundreds and distribute them to parents. I think a letter or two may be in
order to ask the AAP why they are making this recommendation.

From the data we have seen on Lactnet, it is hard to imagine what research
was used to make such a statement. Encouraging 48,000 pediatricians to limit
breastfeeding in this manner is disappointing to say the least. As a matter
of fact, when I read the order form to see what other patient handouts were
available, I saw none on encouraging mothers to breastfeed.

Perhaps Dr. Palmer, Nicole, and others could draft a letter and we can send
it from LACTNET.