I say  "stand your ground"!! It takes people like this to change attitudes.
Someone has to be the brave soul and she needs our support.  It is
unbelievable to me that the Public School system can teach everything from
condom use to birth control but when it comes to something that features
breasts "we musn't do that" I say if the woman is exposing "too much" DONT
LOOK!  I dont know any woman who has ever exposed herself while BF for the
purpose of "flaunting IT" how ridiculous!
I have been having my opportunities with publications in the area who have
refused my ads (breast exposed).  The latest:  I thought I had won a battle
in a local Parenting publ. who said they would run my ad with the full breast
exposed...(they asked us to crop the photo as to expose only "half a nipple"
:-) for the first running. we did.) Well, the issue came out last week, with
the full breast exposed. They buried our ad on page 49 of a 59 pg
publication!!The last 3 ads were on pg 8 . ARGHHH!  NO one wants to admit
responsibility for the decision or give me a reason as to why the ad was
placed in the back of the publication.
But you can bet i wont back down on this one.