David Louder recently said,<< "My point is simply that we can not dismiss
_carte blanche_ all things connected with ABM companies; although we may not
like how they make their money, they are there when I need something for the
kids with metabolics diseases who can't be exclusively breastfed..">>

Point taken about not dismissing ALL things connected with ABM companies.  I
do not dismiss their artificial milks for those instances where they are

I do, in each and every instance, dismiss their breastfeeding information.  I
don't doubt that it is remotely possible for an ABM co. to produce decent
bfing information.  My point is that it ticks me off to see them get away
with associating themselves (and therefore by indirect association their
PRODUCTS) with breastmilk.  Are we truly supposed to believe that they
support, actually WANT women to breastfeed?!  Please.  Isn't this what
they're attempting to imply?

As others way more knowledgeable than me have said, they know that their best
customers are soon-to-be-formerly-breastfeeding moms.  These moms care enough
about their children's health to "try" to breastfeed.  It IS good marketing
technique for them to be _the_ ABM company that gives her bfing information.
 Even though they know she's also likely to get good info from other non-ABM
sources.  THE INFORMATION ISN'T THEIR POINT, except to the extent that it
makes them look good (sorry for shouting, it's getting a little hot in here)
 No doubt the companies are banking on moms being more likely to buy their
products when the time comes, in part because that's the name they recognize,
they were nice enough to give her good information about nursing her baby,
they truly care, hey, they even feel her pain! (wow, where'd that come from -
now I'm getting political; sooo sorrrrryyyy!)  They're gambling on her
quitting inspite of the quality of their information.  In the meantime, ABM
companies want to appear sympathetic, supportive, knowlegeable and


And the moral of the story is:  ABMer's benefit MONETARILY from appearing to
be knowledgeable about and supportive of breastfeeding.  That's the kind of
company a woman who's just tearfully given up wants to be associated with.

Well, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I feel much better now.

Retreating once again into the shadows...

Regina Roig-Lane, in hot, sunny, and humid Miami Florida, where hurricane
season is just beginning and the weather simply wilts you.  Now's when we pay
for our incredible winters.