In a message dated 96-06-01 23:34:11 EDT, you write:

>Just a " Life with Children Note "

I really enjoyed that story, Paula.  Thanks for sending a smile my way.  I'd
like to share a story from a friend of mine.  Mary is a childbirth educator
and one day her daughter (about 7 or 8 years old) was rummaging through her
class stuff and found one of those discharge packs.  After playing with the
toy and such she came across the can of ABM.  She asked her mom what it was.
 My friend replied that although they (she and her siblings) were all
breastfed, some moms give their babies formula instead.  She turned, with an
incredulous look on her face and said to her mother, "They would give their
babies something from a CAN?  Do we know ANYBODY who did this?"

Now there's an empowered child.  There is hope for the next generation!

Pat Predmore