I just wanted to let all Lactnetters know that breastfeeding was represented
at the Stand for Children event last Saturday. NABA (National Alliance for
Breastfeeding Advocacy), La Leche League, Intl, and ILCA had a table with a
display about each of the organizations and the importance of breastfeeding.
Barbara Heiser staffed the table for NABA and reports that a large number of
people stopped by the table and picked up a handout jointly developed by the
three organizations. She said the event was an incredible experience.

Follow-up for the event is through the Children's Defense Fund 800 number
(1-800-663-4032) and their web site (www.stand.org). NABA will be contacting
both of these to become a link to volunteers and other organizations. If we
each take some time to access these sites and describe our respective
organizations and work, then breastfeeding will be promoted to the over 3000
organizations supporting the Stand, who are probably in desperate need of
breastfeeding education!

The double-sided handout that we distributed at the Lincoln Memorial is
available from NABA (self-addressed stamped envelope to Marsha Walker, 254
Conant Rd, Weston, MA 02193) and can be reproduced by you in unlimited
numbers! This collaborative effort by the three organizations was teamwork at
its finest.