Germane to the recent discussions of the alleged
contamination of UK abm, the "London Times" today ran a
letter to the editor from the executive director of Friends of
the Earth. Recent news articles had called on the
government to advise parents of which brands of abm were
tainted -- so that parents, armed with the "truth," could make
a "safe choice." I sent a brief letter commending the call for
truth, but pointed out that all forms of abm have hazards and
that parents should be informed of the safest choice:
mothers' milk. I am certain that others also responded to the
editor as I did.

However, as one of you recently pointed out, the
"environment folks" love to ride on the back of breastfeeding,
knowing it provides a strong emotional hook for their issues.
The director of Friends of the Earth writes that babies have
NO safe choice, since breast milk contains ten times the
World Health Organization's "standards" for dioxin and abm
contains two to three times the limits for phthalates set by
the EC Scientific Committee on Food.

You can find the letter in today's London Times (available via
the Internet at and the articles
available via the "search back issues" function (for instance,
May 27 had articles).

This paper has a wide readership, both in print and electronic
media. Read the articles and write a response. Perhaps
YOUR letter will be printed. (Especially if you who are MALE
and/or who work for a NPO with well known acronym!) Do I
think the Times is sexist? Oh, perish the thought! My
hormones were just acting up...(too many dioxins in my diet,
or something)

Margery Wilson, IBCLC
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts