Dear Lactnetters,

Any ideas for this mom will be appreciated:  Mother w. 6 wk. old baby who had
frenulum clipped at about 10-14 days of age. Suck improved and is still
improving but mom's nipples were so damaged that she decided to quit
breastfeeding and pump until they healed.  She began to pump at 6 wks. She
also had experienced soreness within the breast.  Baby meanwhile has been
gaining fine.  She had one bout of mastitis unilaterally earlier on which
resolved w. heat and frequent feedings.
When she bagan pumping she reported lumps and strings coming out.  This
doesn't happen every single time she pumps but it does happen sometimes.  She
has now been pumping for three days and is still seeing these lumps and
strings of what appears to be dried milk? She wonders if it could be
something else?   This is happening bilaterally.  I'm guessing that this is
most likely plugged ducts due to unresolved breast trauma but has anyone seen
this continuing for this long?  Anything else it could be? Any other ideas?
TIA,  Janaki