Denise Stuart, RN,BSN,IBCLC wrote:
> I have read much about thyroid and breastfeeding on Lactnet and now I have a
> real life situation and realize I may not understand it as well as I thought.
>  Case: Primip 4 days PP with 10lb male born by C-section.  Worked with this
> couple as baby not latching well-sleepy, mucousy, etc.  Mom has semi-flat
> nipples but workable.  Began pumping after feeding attempts on second day.
>  Never able to hand express or pump any visible signs of production-at 4
> days, still soft and no sign of production.  Mom tells me raised around
> Hanford and mother died of CA, dad with thyroid problems linked to exposure.
>  Had this mom's TSH checked and is 1.0 normal .35-7.0.  Is it possible since
> level low normal that this could interfere?  Had breast changes during
> pregnancy. Has hx of miscarriagesx3.  Any help?     TIAThe more sure way to find out if thyroid is too low is to
compare her other symptoms with hypothyroid symptoms and is her
morning waking temp. below 97.6 degreesF. Take several days of
temps.  Some of the main symptoms:  Intolerance to cold,
fatigue, loss of appetite, overweight, muscle weakness, dry
scaly skin, yellow bumps on the eyelids, hair loss, recurrent
>From what I've read don't trust the blood test.
-Joyce Mitchell