Thanks to all of you that took the time to post on Lactnet or send me
E-Mail on my jury duty resposibility.  Here is what happened:  I wrote a
letter (thanks Diane) detailing my need for breaks to pump,
refrigeration,etc.  My number was called and I went to the courthouse with my
daughter and husband in tow.  When we got there, I sat outside the door on a
bench and nursed my daughter.  EVERYONE NOTICED, but most especially the jury
manager.  When my number was called, I gave the letter to the bailiff and
explained to the judge that I could not be separated from my daughter and
although I do work outside the home, it is only part-time and I am able to
arrange my schedule so that I can bf at lunch and pump when neccessary.  I
told him I had never been away from her for more than 5 hrs. I told him I
would be happy to fulfill my civic duty at a later date, when my child didn't
need me so greatly.  HE SAID FINE!!!  NO PROBLEM!!!  So I am officially
excused.  WHEW!!!  When I walked out, the jury manager asked me didn't my
daughter have teeth.  I told her she has a mouthful and just
smiled.....Thanks again everyone for all of the wonderful advise....   Pam