Why shouldn't exposed breasts be used to promote and advertise breastfeeding?
Isn't it "breast" feeding?

I personally use the Infa.., oopps! the In---t, posters in my office so that
women and men can get used to seeing the breasts used in the manner that they
were intended and will hopefully not be so inhibited when nursing in public.
Many people are very shocked in this area by those posters and the best part of
it is that it starts them thinking and asking questions.

I believe that the more you see it the better the chances you will do it.  Isn't
that how drugs and alcohol got to be as popular as they are today?

I have a raw nerve about this one....my mother hates seeing me or anyone
breastfeed and my sister views it as kinda perverted now that my daughter is 18
months old.  If I was posing for Play--y or in a rock video half nude, I guess
it would be more acceptable!

Good luck with your ad, I am sure people won't forget seeing it!

Melissa Brancho
Now that we have to use in--t and all of that you'll have to e-mail me privately
to see what the heck I am talking about.  I really hate that!  Sorry!