Dear Joyce:
You are probably correct in your assumption that there is something amiss in
this situation.  There are even cases (albeit rare) where mothers have
introduced toxic agents deliberately through their breastmilk.

My concern for you is that you are covered from any legal liability.  As an
LLL leader, you probably are not a "mandated reporter."  However, if you tell
this woman's doctor about what you suspect, you could open yourself up for a
lawsuit for defamation of character (or something similar). From what I
understand, Munchausen can be difficult to treat and is usually treated with
extensive psychotherapy and sometimes cameras are rigged to catch the
perpetrator "in the act."  The woman's dr. probably can't help and you'll be
unnecessarily exposing yourself to risk.  You might consider contacting your
local "at-risk child" hotline (usually listed in the yellow pages). They
might be able to give you some more specific information about how to proceed
in your area and what local reporting statutes are.  I'm a bit behind reading
my mail.  I hope I haven't been repetative.

Your concern for this woman and her children is admirable.

Kathy Kendall-Tackett