Dear Lactneters,
I need some help with a 31/2 mo. baby who refuses mom's right breast unless
she lies on her left side and nurses.  He has no problem with wt gain--16 lbs
(8lbs @ birth and a concern when went home in 24 hours not eating well at
all!!).  Her concern is he wants to eat every 1-2 hrs.  She approached her
doctor about Reglan to increase her supply even if he only nursed on
left-which is what she does when not at home.  It has increased she thinks
evidenced by him now sleeping 2-4 hours twice a day.  He will not take a
bottle or pacifier.  He is now beginning to suck on his fingers and some
teething toys which I think will help.  He is also interacting more with his
outside environment by looking around more and can be entertained by others
although to mom this still takes her time.  I really think this is just a
high needs child right now and tincture of time will help.  I have suggested
a cup for dad to feed so she can get out and she is willing to try but I'm
not sure what else to suggest and I don't want her to quit--not taking the
bottle has helped her continue thus far!  Most of the older babies I see are
FTT so I need help with this one!  E-mail me at [log in to unmask]