Hi all,

I agree with Laurie Wheeler on timing of pregnancy.  I nursed my children
thru toddlerhood and then some.  I got my period when my son was 22 months
old.  So if this woman just continues mothering this child as she has been,
nature will work.  Trust nature and trust your instincts!  I think there are
so many atvantages to long term nursing that I would hate to see mom and baby
deprived of them  because of a timetable,age etc.  My favorate atvantage was
if we were out and my child wanted to nurse they would ask for a nap!!  This
was our "code word" as we were mostly closet nursers.  It would always blow
people away that they would Ask for a nap!!  I also did a lot of disiplining
at breast-captive audience!

Jane is sunny N.H.