Hi All and Elizabeth,
What I would try would be suck training in this fashion:
Have mom or dad let baby suck on their finger (if dad has big hands the pinky
is best)(please make sure nails are cut VERY short and hands are clean).
 Finger should be well in babys mouth, to the s-spot, juncture of hard and
soft palate, or about the secong joint on the finger.  Baby may have a strong
gag reflex so they may need to desensitize babys gag reflex by slowly
increasing the amount of finger in babys mouth.  (had to do that with my kid)
 While baby is sucking finger should ever so slightly (so slightly that
parent feels almost like they aren't doing anything) pull forward (as if
trying to pull out of babys mouth).  this teaches baby to get used to having
the back of mouth filled with something that later will be breast.
When mom BF have her try the nipple sandwich technique to get more breast in
babys mouth and farther back.  This will, hopefully, help with the sore
Good luck!
whose been there done that!