Several Lactnetters have been looking for the Kaiser data on cost savings of
breastfeeding to an HMO. This is not a published study. It was done by a
lactation consultant at Kaiser in North Carolina as part of preliminary data
for establishing a lactation consultant position and a breastfeeding support
program. She has given me permission to use this data when I lecture on the
costs of artificial feeding. I have condensed it down to a one page handout
of the calculations she used. It is a real eye opener!

I would be happy to send people a copy of my version if you send me a self
addressed, stamped, business size envelope. This is the type of data that is
so useful in our work to promote breastfeeding. It may also help counter a
growing trend of the formula companies which NABA has discovered to be the
next wave in formula promotion.

A formula company is now becoming partners with several incurance carriers.
It enrolls prenatal members of the insurance carrier into a formula club,
sends cases of formula prenatally, provides coupons and teddy bears to
mothers. One insurance carrier even BUYS the gift pack of formula to give to
its prenatal customers. Too bad these insurance carriers feel that the best
way to feed babies will cost them and us so much more money. Lactnetters may
wish to send this handout to their own insurance carriers and ask what they
are doing to promote breastfeeding and bring down the cost of health
insurance to their subscribers.

If any of you are aware of insurance carriers who are partnering with formula
companies in this manner, please let me know.


Marsha Walker
254 Conant Rd
Weston, MA 02193
617 893-3553
Fax 617 893-8608
e-mail: [log in to unmask]