Thought you'd appreciate this (well -- most of you, anyway):

I spoke to the mother of a five day old infant yesterday. The
baby had needed abm for a few feeds (she was unable to
express milk and MD was concerned the baby was
dehydrating) . She called me brimming with excitement
because the baby is now nursing "like a pro" and (her words)
"the milk is in."

"I'm so glad to be able to ditch that formula," she said, "you
can tell the baby prefers the 'real thing' which I can't blame

I agreed that breastmilk tastes much better.

 "Taste? Gee, I haven't tasted breastmilk... yet...but the
formula smells so bad. One whiff and I thought I was on the
manure fertilizer aisle at the garden shop."


Margery Wilson, IBCLC