This is for Debbie, in regard to the twin(triplet?) turning blue from reflux.
     Reflux is widely diagnosed in this area, and I have worked with a number
of women trying to continue to breastfeed a refluxing baby.  There is a
pediatric gastroentorologist at Yale breastfeeding a refluxing baby herself
who came to speak to LaCCT (CT ILCA affiliate) in the fall, so we are lucky
to have one means of support here if a mom so desires.
     It is pretty common here to replace breastfeeding/bre astmilk without a
thought to Mom or baby's desire to breastfeed.  In some cases it may be
possible to spoonfeed rice cereal before a breastfeeding or between breasts,
but I would like to see the research that supports any of these treatments.
 I suspect it does not exist, just as so many other treatments that restrict
breastfeeding are based on "this is the way we've always done it."
     Yes, there are a number of medications that can be used to help the
refluxing baby; Reglan is one.  Positioning for a more upright feed, and
perhaps positioning on an incline or upright after a feed would help.  I'm
not sure that bottles per se are the answer.  I did have a case a number of
years ago with a mom quite determined to breastfeed and a baby who turned
blue very frequently, even if breastmilk was given in a bottle.  At the time,
the only answer for her seemed to be feeding ABM by bottle.  Now I wonder why
these kids have such exagerrated responses.  Could they be highly reactive to
something in the mothers' milk?
     Please keep us (or at least me) informed.  GE Reflux is something I
would really like to know more about, especially treatment, for the
breastfeeding couple.
     From Ellen In sunny, spring-like CT on hubby's birthday, so I need to
clean the house-he says that's all he wants