Joyce has an interesting dilemma....If this mother truly has this disorder,
confronting her will likely be ineffective and met with anger.

Although that may be something to be dealt with at some point, I have much
more immediate concerns about getting some weight on this baby.  IF the
mother does have Munchausen's, she will likely sabatoge this process, whether
supplements have been ordered or not.  I would prefer to see her get her milk
supply increased with your help and weaned off of supplement as soon as
possible.  Just assigning supplement is NOT dealing with the problem, whether
it is truly a mental disorder or whether it's a breastfeeding problem or any
multitude of other problems.

I testified as expert witness for a mom accused of having this....
 Interesting stuff.  If you approach the doc, I suggest you have your ducks
in a row before you attempt.

Nancy Williams