I just got a call from a woman who has had scant green discharge from her
breasts for the last 8 years.  She has been seen by her Dr. during this time
and they have done numerous tests ie culture (lg. amt WBC cells only),
mammograms (neg) etc. breast exams (all neg except for some fibrocyctic
changes)  She wanted to know if this would affect BF a future child (she has
one that she nursed 13 years old).  She is wondering about seeing a surgeon
who specializes in breast diseases.  I told her it would be a good idea, I
also gave her the name of Dr. Love's Breast Book as a source that might cover
some of her questions.  I haven't had much experience with nonlactating
breast conditions, which I told her too.  I also told her I didn't think it
would be a problem when she had another child.

So, what would you have said?  What references would you have in your library
for questions like this? I really feel this is a medical problem.  What would
the Drs. on line say about breast discharge many years after lactation?  I
remember a discussion a few months ago about breast discharge after lactation
and it wasn't unusual to experience some discharge a few years after
lactating, but 8 years?

Linda Rosetti RN, IBCLC
Clarkston, Wa.
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