I would like any input I could get for a mom who called today.  She has a 5
month old infant who has not tolerated any formula well.  He was fussy from
birth, and she breastfed him for 19 days.  Since he was fussy, she decided it
would be okay to switch him to formula.  So far he has not tolerated anything
well, cows milk based, soy, goats milk, .... and she now has him on Nutramigen
with Karo syrup because he will not drink it without sweetener.  He still cries
constantly and spits up frequently.   She is considering trying to relactate for
this child.  But , her husband is against it and says she MUST stay on birth
control pills.  She is now taking the combination ones, but would switch to the
"mini-pill" if it would help with relactation.  She is willing to change pills
and pump every three hours.  She is willing to take fenugreek, but not Reglan.
She is willing to try an SNS.  Has anyone had experience with a mom trying to
relactate and also take BCPs?  Does anyone think she has much of a chance of
producing milk after 4 months of not nursing and taking the pills?  She will NOT
consider banked milk because her husband thinks it would be unclean, and there
is no guarantee that the donor has not consumed dairy which she feels is the
reason her baby was fussy at her breast.

Sure would like some help with this one.  Mom is pondering over the weekend
whether she wants to try....

Ann Calandro, RNC, IBCLC
North Carolina