Dear Lactnetters,
     It's Nurse's week and the formula companies have been to the
hospitals giving gifts to nurses.  Yesterday the guy gave away big
fancy water bottles to all the nurses and left a bunch for the night
staff.  I am an LC (and an RN) on OB and I finally couldn't keep my
mouth shut and felt it was my duty after all- I approached the group
of nurses and the sales rep. handing out the bottles and said
something about getting free advertising for the formula company.  It
did not go over well and they poo-pooed me.  Later that same day...
we nurses were at the desk and I brought it up again (I do try to be
tactful) and for the next 1/2 hr. we had quite a discussion about
bottlefeeding vs. breastfeeding.  It got a bit heated, and I felt
intimidated - the issue of guilt was brought up numerous times by the
nurses.  It is such a volitile, personal issue for women!  Two nurses
helped me out but we were quite outnumbered by nurses who actually
believe abm and breastmilk are identical and supplementing is helpful
for that exhausted new mom.  Oh, I could go on but you get the point.
 It is fortunate that I job share with 2 other LCs so we could
commiserate.  The abm companies are so devious, it makes me sick.
     I would like to comment that occas. the sales reps. bring food
like Elisa Hirsh mentioned.  Good for you, Elisha, It's the
     Also, all this talk about differences in LCs and RNs and hours
is interesting but somewhat devisive- We are all in this to support
moms who want to breastfeed and to educate- I think Anne Altshuler
does not need to apologize to anyone, she was articulate and made
sense.  I don't want to feel like I need to apologize or explain my
educational or experiential background- but I'm 45, so that's gotta
count for something!
     Thanks for your support.
         Pam Capetta RN ICCE IBCLC
         former LLLL,APL & mom of 4.
         from chilly Hermon, Maine.
Bob Capetta                                  Hermon, Maine
RR1 Box 2341
Carmel ME 04419