I just received a notice that Muriel Sugarman and my article on extended bf
will be abstracted in "Focus & Opinion: Pediatrics" and "Yearbook of

I have to laugh a little because this article was a major pain in the neck to
get published.  I went around and around for over a year with one Ped journal
(who shall remain nameless) until a colleague steered me toward Clinical
Pediatrics. In fact, one reviewer from the first journal was so nasty, that I
think she might have struck me had I been within arm's length.  Kathy D.
happened to call me that day and we shared a laugh.

Now I guess we're cool!!!
P.S. The reference is:
Sugarman, M. & Kendall-Tackett, KA. (1995). Weaning ages in a sample of
American women who practiced extended breastfeeding.  Clinical Peds, 34:

Kathy Kendall-Tackett (also known as "et al.")