
Your stats were interesting, but I'm not sure how you got them.  The US has
approximately 4,000,000 births/year, and there are approximately 4000 (+ or
-) IBCLCs.  That leaves 1 IBCLC/1000 live births; or 1 IBCLC/570 mothers who
choose to bf.  (About 57% of US moms initiate bf in the US).  I'm not quite
up on the exact numbers of IBCLCs in the US since the 95 exam,  but when I
did the stats that were published in Parenting Magazine a year or so ago, it
was approximately 1 IBCLC in the US for every 780 bf moms.

Kathy Zettervahl -- how many IBCLCs are in the US and in the other countries?
 You would know better than anyone....

Jan Barger