Hey- I have an idea.  How about instead of sending a new mom home with a
pump or free formula she gets sent home sending her home with the phone
number of her local La Leche League Leader?   Most breastfeeding problems in
the early days are management and confidence problems.  La Leche league
Leaders have The breastfeeding Answer Book to help them answer questions.
They also have access to the LLLI Professional Liason Department in case
there are problems that the Leader needs to help the mother find more
detailed information than the Leader may have.  La leche Leaders do not give
medical advise or make diagnoses, but help mothers to find this information
using their unique resources and training skills.

Remember, the first Lactation experts were La Leche leaders.  The person who
decided to create a field of training for lactation professionals was and is
a La Leche League Leader.

If there is a LLLLeader nearby, the mom doesn't have to pay anything for the
call.  If there isn't a Leader nearby, in the US she has the choice of
calling 1-900-448-7475 Ext65.  The charge is $1.99 per minute.

I wish all Lactation Consultants and physicians would attend a series of La
Leche League meetings.  Then we could really work toward what we are all
really about- which isn't making a buck, but about helping mothers and
babies breastfeed as succesfully and happily as possible.

Nancy Sherwood Perth, Australia- IBCLC'93 LLLL'79