Here's some more of my thoughts on this subject:

As Margery said, with no standardized lactation education it is impossible to
generalize and lump the group of uncertified LCs.  Even IBCLC are starting to
try to separate themselves with add-on education!

Why do we need do get so carried away with this?  Either you are a lactation
consultant or you are a IBCLC.  I don't know who started the LC means the same
as IBCLC but it is an error in every way!  When I become certified, I will
demand that I am referred to as IBCLC only.  I currently use LC when I refer to
my services because I need to introduce the community to the field and because
it distinguishes what I do from a LLL Leader.  I of course, explain to ALL my
moms that I am not IBCLC and I may refer them to a IBCLC if they would like.  I
also refer cases that are beyond my skill level to IBCLC.  When I am working in
one of my preceptoring programs, I am referred to as a breastfeeding

I don't really care what I am called.  I use LC like I said, because it is
easier.  Remember, board certification is completely voluntary and this is part
of the problem!  The other part is that if the requirements for certification
(sitting for exam) remain to be so biased and unreasonable for non-degree LCs,
there will be more people who won't seek certification and more RNs who are less
than competent IBCLCs.  (I will be seeing a few of these types tonight as a
matter of fact.)

Here's a beautiful example of my point:

My local hospital is a disgrace to the medical profession in every way.  I
raised a big stink about their inability to handle and care for the
breastfeeding mom and attacked (yes I attacked) them on the issue of
discouraging moms from breastfeeding.  After 2 months worth of public letters to
the editor and faxex (they made themselves look so bad, esp. when they ewre
talking in the paper about how formula is equal to breastmilk and therefore an
equal substitute for women who choose not to breastfeed), they finally show up
at a series of seminars on breastfeeding intiation.
Nurses sit down and they don't pay attention (cracking boob jokes and talk about
how they wouldn't breastfeed) until the teacher asks them what they do to help
breastfeeding moms in their hospital.  Ready for this?  "We feed their babies
bottles of formula instead of waking the mom so she can get enogh rest before
she goes home."  The instructor just about had a stroke!  These rotten RNs with
no lactation education to speak of will be eligible to take the exam next year!
They just decided to do this last month!  Yes, the IBLCE will allow more RNs
without skill to go and corrupt the field!  I feel so good about being lumped
with such certified individuals! NOT!
  I have been busting my but for 1 year and a few months to get no where!  This
is ridiculous and leads me to serious question the certification process.  I am
not really sure I want to be associated with a field that so readily allows and
rewards such posturing and blatant lack of skill to slime through while others
are more than qualified and must sit by getting 500 hours from being a LLL
Leader (for example) for 8 years inorder to just get a chance to sit for an
entry level exam that they could have passed 7 years ago!

Yes, I have taken all of this to the IBLCE and NO!  Ihaven't gotten a response.
I suppose I will get the same Blah Blah response that was posted here if I get

Now that I am not so carried away.....wouldn't it be easier to use LC and IBCLC
and if you haven't completed a lactation consultation extensive study course
(this would mean that a 6 day course alone would not count) are an LLL
Leader or a Breastfeeding Counselor/Specialist.   Makes sense to me!  Why do we
feel the need to complicate things beyond all understanding?  Starting to remind
me of politics, we know how much gets done in that area.

Just flapping my gums again,
Melissa Brancho
Mom of four, BSC student and IBCLCWB (My newly adopted title!  Makes abou as
mush sense as the cert. requirements)