I'm the breastfeeding coordinator of a small WIC program in N.Y.  I have
instructed the staff NOT to ask the pregnant  woman being certified how she
is planning to feed her baby.  I would prefer taht she not be asked to give
such an answer because I don't want her to say "bottle" and then leave that
as her choice.   Once people make a choice they are less likely to change
their minds than if we keep acting like they haven't made their choice yet,
then there is more room in the women's minds for discussion.  I would rather
the staff ask something like "What do you know about breastfeeding"   or
"What questions do you have about breastfeeding?"  (acting always as if it is
the normal expected thing to do.  I also think it's more important to clarify
and misconceptions and give some information at the first visit.  I think
there is time into the second trimester to mention inverted nipples.  I also
instruct the staff NOT to mention the words problems.  I would like them to
know how the process works and give them anticipatory guidance so that
problems are less likely or that if something occurs it won't be as perceived
as a problem.   I do tell my moms that the first solution to a breastfeeding
"concern" (rather than problem) is the telephone, not the bottle.   I want
them all told that and all are supposed to be given  my phone number at home
as well as in the office.  The are also supposed to be told that all women
need support and guidance "rather than help".   I hope this helps.