For the planned method of feeding, you might try:" How do you feel about
breastfeeding your baby?" or "Would you like additional help with
breastfeeding your baby?"  I think question #2 is difficult.  Out of all of
the WIC moms that had inverted nipples that I have worked with (maybe 10
total) only one knew it prenatally.  I think this question will address a
very small percentage of women and might make alot of women wonder if they
have the right kind of nipples to breastfeed.  I don't think there is any
problem with asking : "Have you ever had breast surgery?"  Does everyone in
your clinic attend a breastfeeding class prenatally?  If so, then maybe you
could address these concerns there.  If not, then how about asking:" Do you
have any concerns about breastfeeding your baby?" That would open the door to
past history and misinformation.  Just a thought.  I know how difficult it
can be to obtain the info you need without imparting any negative feelings.
 Keep me posted.        Pam