Lactnetters may be interested in several recent articles in the N.Y. Times
that relate to breastfeeding.  They are:

Tuesday, April 30, 1996, "Science Times" section, pp. B5 and B9.  Natalie
Angier writes on "Illuminating How Bodies Are Built for Sociability."
Talks about the role of oxytocin, how breastfeeding helps brain development
and plays an important role in the humanizing and civilizing of society.

Wednesday, May 1, 1996 More on snoring by Jane Brody, p. B9  (Second of a
2-part series, first part was discussed on Lactnet last week)

"Estrogen Patch Appears to Lift Severe Depression in New Mothers," by Susan
Gilbert, also on p. B9.  One quoted doctor states that the patch may "prove
to be a problem for nursing mothers, since estrogen can interfere with milk
production..."  Another says it "did not suppress milk production once
breast-feeding was established."  The patch is mentioned as an alternative
to antidepressants, which pass into breast milk and have unknown effects on

Anne Altshuler, rN, MS, IBCLC and LLL Leader in Madison, WI