dear becky and kathleen,

Becky, this is a very good idea--adding the permission granted assumption
to the subscriber info.  Thanks for considering this, Kathleen.

Would you also explain (as I am sure I am not the only computer-literacy
impaired) how lactnet works?  Specifically I wonder why it usually says
"special edition" and why it usually says my message has been transmitted
to "22 recipients."  there's over a thousand of us right?  Or are the 22
recipients just some sort of cyberspace division -- like maybe the
various service providers?

Does everyone's message get sent to everyone else?  or is their a random
selection process.  I don't think I read about these things in the
introduction--sorry if I missed it.

TIA  (which means THANKS IN ADVANCE, I think!)

Meg Wright, PA-c, LLLL