
I am quoting Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year by Susan S. Weed.  I
found this information under the heading "Late Pregnancy Tonics," page 23.  I
hope it gives you the information you need.  I have only second hand information
regarding the results.

Blue/Black Cohosh roots     Caulophyllum thalictriodes and Cimicifuga racemosa
are safely used as teas or tinctures only during the last 4-6 weeks of
pregnancy, not before.  The usual dosage is 5-15 drops of each tincture in a cup
of water twice daily, or up to two cups of tea a day.  The Cohoses work
"synergistically, not interchangeably,"  according to one midwife, who stresses
the importance of combination use.  Another midwife reports precipitous labor
when Blue Cohosh is taken alone or with Pennyroyal during the last six weeks of

Then on page 65 it says, and I quote:

Blue Cohosh root            A strong favorite among lay midwives, Caulophyllum
thalcitriodes is a reliable remedy when labor needs promoting.  It does not
stimulate the uterus into irregular contractions or cause any tightness or
clamping down of the cervix.  The usual dose is 10-20 drops of the tincture in a
small glass of water, repeated hourly or as needed.  The water-based infusion is
not as useful as some of the active ingredients are not water-soluble.  If you
must rely on the infusion, try it as an enema.  Many midwives use a combination
of Blue and Black Cohoses to strengthen or restart contractions.  They seem to
work better together than alone, a synergistic pair producing regular and
coordinated contractions.  NOTE:  If fetal heart-tones are monitored, there may
be a noticeable elevation as the Blue Cohosh starts to work.  Also remember that
Blue Cohosh tends to lower blood pressure.

There you go.  That's the extent of information that I have on it.  I was given
this book for teaching a breastfeeding class for a local midwife who is getting
to be very busy.  I use it for referrence.  Let me know what happens.

Melissa Brancho
Mom of four, BSC student and IBCLC hopeful for 1998!