I could certainly use some additional input...am working with a mom and her
three week old son.  She was given a nipple shield (thin, silicone type) in
the hospital (baby had a little difficulty latching) and discharged without
follow-up instructions.  I saw them at 2 1/2 weeks postpartum, and baby is
absolutely hooked on the shield; screams and pushes away if the shield is
removed.  We worked with lots of calming techniques and were able to achieve
several sustained latches.  But when mom tried the same techniques at home,
all she experienced was a screaming baby.  Her nipples are very sore and she
is now double pumping to bring up a dwindling milk supply (had only been hand
pumping or hand expressing since discharge).  My suggestions were increased
skin-to-skin contact, use of soft cup feeder (which a friend gave to her) or
syringe/finger feeds, no artificial nipples, put to breast while sleepy or
sleeping and after a feed.

Old information used to say try snipping away the shield over several days
until the baby was nursing only at the breast, but I've heard that doing so
with this shield will lead to fraying and possible ingestion of tiny pieces.
 Are there other techniques or suggestions that have worked successfully in
getting an "addicted" baby off the shield???

Thanks in advance,