Lisa wrote: "I've got the feeling that some of the nurses don't
believe in natural childbirth, don't "have time" to sit with the
mom, don't believe in a need for a better way than the meds.
I'm all for informed consent, but when we have these quote
unquote determined parents NEVER succeeding, I don't
know what to think. Where are we falling down?"

Homework assignment to address this topic:

(1) Klaus, M., Kennell, J, et al. Maternal Assistance and
Support in Labor: Father, Nurse, Midwife or Doula? Clinical
Consultations in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol 4, No 4
(December), 1992: pp 211 - 217.
   Discusses effects of social support on perinatal outcomes.
Meta-analysis of 5 randomized clinical trials found presence
of doula reduced length of labor by 25%, cesarean section
rates reduced by 34-67%; reduced odds of needing pain
medications up to 47% -- and one hospital reduced epidural
rate from 64% to 11%. Breastfeeding rates improved, also.

Anyone who wants to be inspired should order the tape of Dr.
Klaus addressing the ILCA conference on this topic, July

Lisa: Play the video or audio of this session for the
"non-believer" nurses (video is best--seeing him will "soften"
the tough cookies in the group).

Margery Wilson, IBCLC